The Journey

The Journey

The Consultation

First of all, we start with an initial consultation - or as we like to call it, a chat about your hearing! This can be carried out in the comfort of your own home or at one of our 4 test centres. At this stage it's all about gathering information, to find out how you're hearing and where you're missing out. The greater our understanding of your individual hearing difficulties, the better we will be at coming up with the right hearing aids and all round strategy to help you to improve your hearing. We will also check for any potential conditions you might have which may need you to be referred to your GP for medical investigation. You'll have your ears checked for wax and to make sure that all is well with them before we give you a hearing test.

The Hearing Test 

This is usually a 15 minute test (although with some types of hearing loss can take longer). We put headphones on your ears and ask you to respond when you hear tones. This way, we build up a picture as to what your hearing is like and a graph is produced for each ear. The results are explained afterwards to you - the idea is to help you to understand why your hearing is giving you difficulty and then talk you through what options you have for improving it. We try and avoid jargon at this stage, as we feel it's important that you leave with a better understanding of your hearing and not go away confused about it! We will also discuss with you what style of hearing aid you could wear and also what level of technology would be most suitable for your lifestyle.

The first appointment is free and you are under no obligation whatsoever.

The Hearing aid Demonstration

After your hearing test, it is an excellent idea to try on a pair of good quality hearing aids. These can be set up for you, using the hearing test results and lets you have a taste as to what it would be like to wear aids. Even if you've had hearing aids before, this can be a bit of an eye opener (or perhaps we should say ear opener!) as hearing aids have come a very long way, even in the last 5 years or so. If you are in your own home when we do this, you can turn on your TV and do other things to see how much of an improvement you find. The chances are you'll not want to take them off!

Hearing Aids

If after this you want to go ahead and order hearing aids, then we would either take ear impressions, if In the Ear or Behind the Ear hearing aids are ordered, or measure you up for for Receiver in Canal aids. It then takes 1 or 2 weeks for the aids to be ready for you. Sometimes they can be ready in a few days, so if you're in a hurry to get them, this is a possibility with certain hearing aids. When they are ready, we arrange an appointment to fit them for you. When fitting, we make sure that the aids are a good fit, are comfortable and also that the sound is nice and clear. We also give you tips on how to get used to them and advice on how to operate them. It is good to keep in contact over the first few weeks and you're always welcome to call if you need any further help during the initial 'getting to know you' period.

The Follow-up and Aftercare

This takes place after you have had an opportunity to wear and use the hearing aids properly in your normal everyday life. Then, when we meet after this, you'll have a good idea as to how much of an improvement they will have made to your hearing. It is usual for some fine tuning to be needed at this stage, but we need to talk about your progress first before we do this - so that we know how to make things even better for you! We see aftercare as equally important as the hearing aids to a successful hearing aid fitting. We are happy to see you at anytime after the follow-up, and please remember that all future aftercare is free after you've had them fitted. If your hearing changes as the years go by, we can reassess you and reprogramme your aids to match your current needs.

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